Florida’s Space Coast Liftoff

Florida’s Space Coast is quickly becoming the launch pad for the resurgence of U.S. space travel and exploration. Over recent months we’ve seen multiple companies relocate their entire Space Engineering and Manufacturing operations to the Space Coast, creating an undeniable buzz of optimism for Brevard county. Titusville and surrounding areas were hit hard with the lack of funding put towards NASA in recent years, but the commercialization of space operations is injecting the growth back and then some.

Jobs Growth for High Tech Trades

There are both near and long-term positive impacts to the industry. We’ve seen a near-term race for high tech talent to fill the hundreds of jobs that the growth has created. These jobs span the Engineering and Manufacturing sectors. We predict the longer-term impacts to be even more significant. Over the longer-term there will be significantly more opportunity for local Central Florida shops to support Space operations and a forced growth for many of these shops to deliver the quality and tolerances needed for Aerospace industry. This raises the game for all involved.

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